

分(fen)類:黑白/喜劇/冒(mao)險/愛情/地區:愛情年份:愛(ai)情導演:Robert Cohen,萊南(nan)·帕拉(la)姆(mu)主演(yan):龍神冕下狀態:全集

簡介:◎译  (🐕)名 (🎳)女煞星续(🥍)集  (🕡)◎片  名 Some Girls Do  ◎年  代 1969  ◎国  家 英国  (🚓)◎类(🐎)  (🛳)别 动作/冒险/喜剧  ◎语  言 英(yīng )语  ◎字  幕 N/A  ◎(🐔)IMDB评分 5.7/10 (129 votes)  (🛀)◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065009  ◎(Ⓜ)文件格式(shì ) XviD + MP3  ◎视(♋)频尺寸 512 x 384  (Ⓜ)◎文(wén )件(📑)大小 1CD 50 x 15MB  (🆔)◎片  长 88 Mins  ◎导(dǎo )  演 (🍝)拉尔夫·托马斯 Ralph Thomas  ◎主 (👄) 演 Richard Johnson ....Hugh Drummond  达利娅(🗓)·拉维 Daliah Lavi ....Baroness Helga Hagen  Beba Loncar ....Pandora  James Villiers ....Carl Petersen  Vanessa Howard ....Robot Number Seven  Maurice Denham ....Mr. Mortimer  (👼)罗伯特·莫利 Robert Morley ....Miss Mary  西德妮(🎑)·罗马 Sydne Rome ....Flicky  Adrienne Posta ....Angela, Drummond's daily  Florence Desmond ....Lady Manderley  Ronnie Stevens ....Peregrine Carruthers  Virginia North ....Robot Number Nine  Nicholas Phipps ....Lord Dunnberry, Air Minister  (🙎)George Belbin ....Maj. Newman  Yutte Stensgaard ....Robot Number One  Richard Hurndall ....President of Aircraft Company (👴) Marga Roche ....Birgit  Douglas Sheldon ....Kruger  乔(qiáo )安娜·林(🤶)莉 Joanna Lumley ....Bit Part (uncredited)  (🚀)  ◎简  介  A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the world's first supersonic airliner (SST1). A British agent is sent to investigate and with the help of another agent uncovers a plot masterminded by Carl Petersen who stands to gain eight million pounds if the aircraft is not ready by a certain date. The evil Petersen has developed a number of "robots" (actually rather beauti***irls with "electronic brains") to help him sabotage the SST1 project by means of "infrasound" (extreme low frequency sound waves) which can be directed at people or objects with devastating results.


答:這部(bu)影片的上映時間是2024-05-12 10:19:53




答:在線觀看非常完美是由Robert Cohen,萊南·帕拉姆執導,龍神冕下領銜主演。






騰訊視頻網友(you)慈悲為壞評價(jia):2024熱播《午夜欧美老妇理论片》,“灭我,如屠鸡!”欧阳妈(mā )妈在江(💹)湖(hú )上以(🚞)敢打敢拼著(🎎)称,所以对此不太理(🛄)解,忙问院长:。

百度視頻(pin)網友稀里糊(hu)圖(tu)圖(tu)評論:所以现(😋)在去林洛的书(shū )房里,十(💀)有八九会(huì )让(🎦)林洛心生反感。“我早上在拔花生的时候,听(🦀)到你爸妈说(👁),他们(men )借了20万(😺)的高利贷(⛅),给那个(🆗)给(gěi )你治病的道空大师,听说还有一(yī )个月就还高利贷。”

愛奇藝視頻網友星沉(chen)入目(mu)評(ping)論:2024熱播 《午夜欧美老妇理论片》同时林家大规模出动(💢)的消息也开始在(zài )全镇蔓(màn )延。




《午夜欧美老妇理论片》是Robert Cohen,萊南·帕拉姆導演的一部喜劇,冒險,愛情類型影片,該劇講述了:◎译  (🐕)名 (🎳)女煞星续(🥍)集  (🕡)◎片  名 Some Girls Do  ◎年  代 1969  ◎国  家 英国  (🚓)◎类(🐎)  (🛳)别 动作/冒险/喜剧  ◎语  言 英(yīng )语  ◎字  幕 N/A  ◎(🐔)IMDB评分 5.7/10 (129 votes)  (🛀)◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065009  ◎(Ⓜ)文件格式(shì ) XviD + MP3  ◎视(♋)频尺寸 512 x 384  (Ⓜ)◎文(wén )件(📑)大小 1CD 50 x 15MB  (🆔)◎片  长 88 Mins  ◎导(dǎo )  演 (🍝)拉尔夫·托马斯 Ralph Thomas  ◎主 (👄) 演 Richard Johnson ....Hugh Drummond  达利娅(🗓)·拉维 Daliah Lavi ....Baroness Helga Hagen  Beba Loncar ....Pandora  James Villiers ....Carl Petersen  Vanessa Howard ....Robot Number Seven  Maurice Denham ....Mr. Mortimer  (👼)罗伯特·莫利 Robert Morley ....Miss Mary  西德妮(🎑)·罗马 Sydne Rome ....Flicky  Adrienne Posta ....Angela, Drummond's daily  Florence Desmond ....Lady Manderley  Ronnie Stevens ....Peregrine Carruthers  Virginia North ....Robot Number Nine  Nicholas Phipps ....Lord Dunnberry, Air Minister  (🙎)George Belbin ....Maj. Newman  Yutte Stensgaard ....Robot Number One  Richard Hurndall ....President of Aircraft Company (👴) Marga Roche ....Birgit  Douglas Sheldon ....Kruger  乔(qiáo )安娜·林(🤶)莉 Joanna Lumley ....Bit Part (uncredited)  (🚀)  ◎简  介  A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the world's first supersonic airliner (SST1). A British agent is sent to investigate and with the help of another agent uncovers a plot masterminded by Carl Petersen who stands to gain eight million pounds if the aircraft is not ready by a certain date. The evil Petersen has developed a number of "robots" (actually rather beauti***irls with "electronic brains") to help him sabotage the SST1 project by means of "infrasound" (extreme low frequency sound waves) which can be directed at people or objects with devastating results.,想看更多的相關影視作品,請收藏我們的網站:綠色影視(ganxianyy.cn)


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